Teaching 14-19 year olds
A Toolkit for Vocational Tutors
Reasons for attending this programme:
Are you increasingly expected to work with younger learners within your vocational setting? Are they difficult to manage, reluctant to conform and take responsibility? This can be very challenging - even for the most experienced practitioner.
What is this training about?
This event provides practical strategies and skills that will improve teaching and learning for your 14-19 year olds. It will allow you to consider how to manage learning processes that engage younger learners, unlock motivation and raise achievement. We will investigate how to work with perceptions, attitudes and beliefs, be positive in setting clear boundaries, and develop thinking and learning skills and strategies.
During this programme you learn:
- About the needs of the younger learner
- To consider the impact of perceptions, anxieties and fears with regards to younger learners
- Alternative ways to set boundaries and unlock motivation
- How we can use variety and pace to engage learners
- To build rapport, use positive language and manage behaviour
- Investigate ways to allow 14-19 year olds to become more independent learners
- Engaged younger learners
- Clear boundaries support classroom management
- Pace and variety in learning
- More mature attitudes to learning
Duration: 6 hours
Fees on application
Mulberry Lawn, Quay Lane, Brading, Isle of Wight PO36 0AT
Tel +44 (0)1983 400771 - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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